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Lady Garden

  • Author(s): Studio Jilpung
  • Last updated: August 17, 2019
  • Released: 2016

In this Manga a UFC hopeful, Kang Doo, gets prohibited from competition and finds employment as a guard within the luxurious mansion by the name of woman Garden; a mansion solely allowed to the most popular and hottest ladies. As lovely as these girls are, numerous dangers lurk, and it’s Kang Doo’s job to safeguard and protect these beautiful ladies. Oh yeah, and saving ladies in want invariably comes with a hefty reward.

As helping others isn’t solely good for them and an honest thing to do, it conjointly makes us happier and healthier too. Giving conjointly connects us to others, making stronger communities and helping to create a happier relationship with everybody.

Doing things for others whether small, unplanned acts or regular volunteering can be a powerful way to boost our own happiness in addition to those who are around us. Kindness towards others is the glue that connects individual happiness with wider community and social prosperity. Kindness is the key to make a happier environment.