A psychological manga filled with dark and eerie vibes. This story focuses on the life of a boy who has a very overprotective mother. She is a very smart and charming woman, loved by all. On the surface she just seems like a normal mother, doing everything she can for her child.
But only seichi knows the truth. She is a corrupt and mentally disturbed human being who only wants her son to herself. She will do anything to keep her son away from everyone. She makes intricate plans and ideas to keep her son away from everyone, including his friends.
And if anything happens that is not part of her plan or she dislikes, she has a mental breakdown showing her true broken self. The thing that makes her extremely dangerous is her seemingly normal side, a side that she puts up in front of all. It does a perfect job of hiding the psychopath that she really is. Now our protagonist seichi is alone with his mother.
With him as the only person you knows her true corrupt self, will he continue to suffer all alone or will he finally tell someone the reality of his mother. In other words how far will he continue to bear the burden of his mothers disorder.