Darwin’s Game is an ongoing manga written and made by FLIPFLOPs. This is a manga with a concept and plot so interesting, that it’s instantly become one of our favorites. And apparently the same is the case with thousands of others who read the manga and appreciated the craft of it immensely. The manga (Darwin’s Game) shares multiple genres of Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Adult, Mystery, and Shounen.
Sudou Kaname, an ordinary young adult, randomly gets an email one day, inviting him to a free-to-play game in Darwin’s Game Manga. He tries to ignore the mail he got on his phone at first, but soon after a snake mysteriously comes out of the phone and bites his neck.
But strangely, no one other than Sudou sees the snake coming out and biting him. After getting out of the hospital for the snake bite, he attempts to open the invitation.
What happens next is what Sudou never expected, a game named Darwin’s Game, in which you have to kill others to win. Once entered, no one can get out of it.
This changes the course Sudou’s life forever and he desperately finds a way around this hell he’s found himself in.
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