Defense Devil is a manga written by YOUN In-Wan and made by the artist YANG Kyung-Il, first released in the year 2009. This manga has been updated with new chapters, having 100 chapters until now. The Defense Devil manga comes under the categories of Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Mystery, Romance, Shounen, and Supernatural.
Mephisto Bart Kucabara is a devil lawyer. By getting out of the demon world, there seems to be no wat turning back except for one task.
To collect as much Dark Matter he can find in Defense Devil. He lists down his strategies and settles on collecting the Dark Matter from the people of sin who have been damned to hell.
But how can Mephisto gather enough Dark Matter when he grows soft for Idamaria, an innocent soul, who he has to defend from the Shinigami that has come to take them to hell?
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