Dungeon Nursery is a Japanese manga series written by Kurou Ooma and illustrated by Chisa Akuna, based on Dungeon Nursery light novel.
Dungeon Nursery Manga Plot:The main protagonist of the story is Takashi Koizumi. Takashi is a 29 year old corporate business man with a cold heart. Takashi has no regards for the businesses that he deals with or the clients he puts through hardships. His fate eventually meets karmic justice when he dies a humiliating and an undignified death of slipping on a banana peel.
The way he lived his life on earth would not make for a soul that could enter the gates of heaven. However, when he wakes up in the afterlife, Mister Jackson, a famous businessman offers Takashi the opportunity to enter heaven by “resetting” his soul. Takashi agrees to do so but that path is not an easy one.
Moving forward in Dungeon Nursery Manga, to be able to be accepted in heaven, Takashi has to go through what is called a “Dungeon of Purification”. In the dungeon he realises that he has the ability to summon a monster but the only one he is able to summon is a female goblin, Gobumi. Gobumi is a lowly, level one goblin which makes Takashi question whether he can even survive the dungeon.
The manga is very interesting because of its morals about the fate of a “bad” human but also deals with the fact that redemption is a possibility if you choose the path of forgiveness. Dungeon Nursery Raw can be found on various other websites.