Hataraku Saibou Black manga is a part of an anthology manga series about the wonder that is the human body. The series features the journeys and the tasks taken on and completed by the different cells of the body. The series is an interesting one which puts an unexpected spin on an already unique storyline.
The Hataraku Saibou Black manga or “Cells at work (Black)” manga has been illustrated like nothing ever seen before by Issei Hatsuyoshi who brought to life the unparalleled script of Shigemitsu Harada. These spinoff manga series explore the life cycle of a human body which is not of a healthy person.
The Plot of Hataraku Saibou Black:The human being in question relentlessly smokes, never exercises is a known alcoholic and often engages in unprotected sensual activities. All of these unhealthy habits have a lot to do with the person’s highly stressful life which also results in a cholesterol problem.
The manga focuses on the efforts of the cells residing in this unhealthy body, trying to protect it from itself and how their fruitless efforts result in the cells overexerting themselves.
The significance of the word “Black” in the title becomes eminent with the realization that the sickly habits of the individual have turned this symphonic habitat into a black environment.