Hunter Age, or alternatively known as Dragon Field Hunter, is an ongoing Japanese manga series. The manga is written by Man Wang and Firepower Panda. The series dabble in numerous genres of comedy, adventure, fantasy, drama and romance.
Hunter Age Manga Story:The story follows the lives of three characters. The first one is a young man part of a conflicting tribe, behind whom lies a tragic and unfortunate past; A past that he has to look over to achieve his destiny and to do so, he has no choice but to travel his path with a companion who he had deemed his sworn enemy.
The second character is that of a Princess who is no longer considered a part of her royal family due to some internal disputes. Her expedition is a terrible one in which she has to risk her life to try and survive in the mountains.
The third one is a prodigy racing against time to help an entire tribe who is relying on him alone. The manga series bring together three of the most unlikely characters, who work together to overcome their accursed fate.