Isekai Shihai No skill taker: zero kara hajimeru dorei harem is an online manga written and made the authors/ artists Kankitsu Yusura and Tsuguri Hakane. The Isekai Shihai no Skill Taker Zero kara Hajimeru Dorei Harem manga based on the ever famous category of manga known as Isekai. The other genres of the manga include Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Mature, Shounen and Supernatural.
Konoe Yuuto is the main protagonist of Isekai Shihai no Skill Taker: Zero kara Hajimeru Dorei Harem. Yuuto was suddenly summoned to another world on his way back from school. Yuuto is a japanese boy of average height, with black hair and eyes. He is a kind but perverted teenager.
Konoe Yuuto is a genius martial artist who is summoned to a different world where slave trading is legal. There, using his “Skill Taker” cheat ability, he steals the abilities of the monsters that he defeats, and he starts building a slave harem while hoping to live a carefree life after retirement. Will he be able to achieve his goal?
This is a classic example of Isekai manga like this Isekai Shihai no Skill Taker Zero kara Hajimeru Dorei Harem where the protagonist reincarnates into another world by various supernatural means and then is given another chance at life in another life. The hero could be the knight, a prince or nothing but a ruler of world with everything in it under his command.
All in all, the Isekai manga is heavily based on fantasy and Isekai Shihai No skill taker: zero kara hajimeru dorei harem is no different. Give this one a try if you’re into this genre.