Joou no Hana is an ongoing manga written by IZUMI Kaneyoshi (The Bloom of the Queen) which was released in 2008. An interesting manga, drawn by the author himself, this manga cover the genres of Action,Adventure,Drama,Romance,Shoujo and Tragedy.
Long time ago, there existed four states on a land. They were named Sou, Kou, Do and Ah in Joou no Hana Manga.
One day, the King of Ah decided to marry from Kou. Not long after that wife, he settled on another woman from the land of Do. Getting the two women from these two countries led to an unsettling alliance amongst the countries.
But after some time, when the queen of Do gives birth to a son, the king grows weary of the First Queen and her daughter Aki (From Joou no Hana) and sends them down in the depths of Palace.
Princess Aki, down and broken, meets a slave named Hakusei, who she finds in the depths. Looking at the pitiful situation, Hakusei promises Princess Aki to teach her the Six Arts with the guidance of Seitetsu, a mysterious merchant.
So one day, in a certain time when Princess Aki in Joou no Hana Manga gave a humiliating defeat to the Prince, this proves to be a great deal of frustration a huge blow at the honor of the Do’s.
With the filth of honor and vengeance, the Second Queen poisons and kills the First Queen. The only companion of Princess Aki.
Now, with on one by her side but the Hakusei (in Joou no Hana at Mangazuki), she escaped to Kou, swearing her revenge on the state of Ah.
And that is how her quest for vengeance starts. Will she live long enough to carry out this endavour?
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