Kyochuu Rettou, also known as the island of giant insects, is an ongoing Japanese manga series with over 40 released chapters. The genre of this manga series is ecchi, horror, and tragedy. It also has an anime adaptation with the same name that was produced in 2019.
The plot revolves around a school girl named Oribe Mutsumi, also known as bug girl, and her classmates. During an airplane crash on a school trip, Oribe and her classmates land on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. It takes the survivors a little while to find each other and Oribe, with her extensive knowledge of the wilderness, takes the lead in initializing the mission to get rescued.
She estimates that it should take them 3 days to get rescued from the stranded island which doesn’t seem like a very long time but little do they know that the island is filled with giant killer insects which will make surviving the next 3 days a very hard task in Kyochuu Rettou Manga.
With her limited knowledge of butterflies and wasps, Oribe tries to survive the next 3 days while also looking out for her classmates. It takes her more courage than the rest of her classmates to harm the giant killer insects even as they’re attacking her and killing her classmates because she’s a kindhearted girl who loved insects and liked reading about them.
The series also has a sequel called Dai Kyochuu Rettou which narrates the tale of Oribe and her friend’s adventures after they escape the deadly island.