Re:Monster manga, or otherwise known as Shisatsu Kara Hajimaru Kaibutsu Tensei-ki, is a Japanese manga series written by Kanekiru Kogitsune. Kobayakawa Haruyoshi definitely does justice to the well written storyline with his creative and unparalleled art.It is an ongoing manga series released on May 2014 and is definitely worth the read due to many good reasons. Firstly, it is packed with action, adventure, mystery, all of which resides on a foundation of fantasy and magic.
The “isekai” concept for mangas might be common but in Re:Monster manga, it is portrayed in a completely different light.
Although the target demographic for the series are young, male adults (mostly teenagers) but it has the potential to be enjoyed by all kinds of readers because of its unique storyline.
The main male protagonist of the manga is Kanata Tomokui. The story focuses on how he adjusts and evolves to become someone else. Kanata was once known to be a very powerful being in his life but his untimely and unfortunate death takes all that away from him.
However, Kanata( from Re:Monster manga) is reincarnated into another body, one which was nothing like his old self. He is reborn into a goblin named “Goborou” or “Rou”. Rou is highly affected by his rebirth, mostly because he is able to retain all his memories from his past life.Rou starts his new life in a body of a goblin with only the ability to eat anything he wants and gain the strength and power of the foods he consumes.
He also owns an evolutionary and unique tree. With all that, he promised himself that he would do everything he can to live a fulfilling life. However, nothing is always that simple and so Rou faces a lot of challenges in his struggle to survive in a cut-throat world of strong beings. Yep! that’s how Re Monster manga goes, you can find out more in the wiki.
We might not have re monster manga raw on mangazuki but we have the manga in english along with all chapters. P.s re monster rou is cool too