She’s The Girl Manhwa story revolves around a group of friends who meet on a weekend to celebrate a hard week of working. They catch up with each other and decide to have some fun. Thinking that they’ll do so, they drink alot and meet a few girls. Young-soo, one of the friends, meets the love of his life, but the girl disappears after a night of teasing and fun.
The girl is called Soo-min (in She’s The Girl Manga) and the next morning, he can’t stop thinking about her, he realizes that he is never going to fall in love with anyone again. He believes that he has never had a connection like that in his life. With a very heavy heart he heads to his friends house to explain to him what’s happened.
His friend Ho-cheol (From She’s The Girl) welcomes him into his house, however, a very unexpected thing happens, he meets Soo-min again. This starts their humor filled and light hearted romance as they both discover how they actually feel about each other.
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