Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon is an online manga written and made by Ant Studio and Sosori, originally published in the year 2018. The manga is fairly simple when it comes to the plot which helps the authors to give complexity to the other aspects of the manga, which we think works perfectly for this manga. It comprises of genres like Fantasy, Tragedy and Supernatural.
A skeleton who was burdened with the divine purpose of protecting the queen’s life faces his fate one day which left him dead and devastated. Due to his skeletal form, he was weak and was banged aside from the queen. One swing of the sword by the bandits and the queen was killed. He saw his queen dying right in front of him as he was counting his last breaths too.
He eventually died, with a pang of big guilt in him. But then, rather than having his soul rested in peace, he wakes up in a place oddly familiar to him in Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon Manga. Over there he meets her trainee who trained him 20 years ago and transformed his now skeletal form.
This is when he realizes that he was resurrected and brought back to life in the distant past of his. With this second chance, he now tries to fulfill his promise he once failed to meet.
The Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon manga is fairly easy to read and understand. The artwork of the manga is beautiful and the overall organizing of the manga makes it all less crammed up and much more feasible to read and enjoy.
This one of the most interesting novels you will read this time around to give this a try, we’re sure you won’t be regretting this!