Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san is an ongoing manga written and made by MIURA Tadahiro. This is a unique manga, with multiple genres of Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Mature, Romance, School Life, Shounen, and Supernatural.
From a very young age, Fuyuzora Kogarashi (From Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san at Mangazuki.me) has been possessed by ghosts, which led him to live a very troubled childhood. This brought him the ability to see the supernatural and fight against the evil spirits as he grew up.
But as time went by, he went short of money and got extremely poor in Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san manga. TO the point that he goes homeless and hopes for things to get better. Longing for a better life, he starts searching for a place to live.
On his search, he decides to get into a cheap boarding house called Yuragi-sou in Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san. Wondering how the house could be so cheap, he later gets to know that the house was infamous because of a ghost. Long ago, the corpse of a dead student was found in there and the hauntings have started since then.
For Fuyuzora (in Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san manga), this isn’t a big deal, since he’s been with ghosts all his life. So while relaxing in the hot springs of the house, his plans to move away from the spirit in the house took a pause. What he came to realize was that the spirit was actually a 16-year-old girl named Yuna, who resides in his room.
His plans to destroy the ghost change to instead helping her figure out her problems. To finish an unsettled business and move to the afterlife before she turns and evil and eventually getting to hell.
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